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Iodine-How to take

The correct procedure for using Magnascent Iodine is as follows: Put one or two ounces of water in a glass and, using the dropper provided, drop the desired number of drops into the water. Drink the resulting mixture within a few minutes. The mixture becomes activated when the iodine is dropped into the water and is active for the next few hours inside the human body.

Our iodine is best taken mixed in water only (not juice or other liquids) and taken 15 to 20 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach. Each drop of 1% Magnascent Iodine equals 0.2 milligrams of iodine. This is approximately equal to the daily recommended allowance for the average adult. Our 2% Magnascent iodine has twice as much iodine in the same amount of liquid.Each drop contains 0.4 milligrams of iodine.

This is our recommendation for a person using our iodine as a health supplement in order to get the minimum iodine needed for healthy body functioning. If you, like many others here in the U.S., feel that you are deficient in iodine, 5 drops of 1% Magnascent Iodine is one milligram and will help correct the level of iodine in the body of one who is deficient in iodine. For efficient use of Magnascent iodine, we recommend that you divide your dosage of iodine into two or three doses per day, rather than just one large dose. This is because the body uses it for a period of two to three hours before it loses the nascent state; therefore, dividing up the amount gives it a longer time to be active in the body.

We cannot give individual medical advice on how this iodine can be used. We cannot give the amounts to take for treatment of various health conditions, but we will relay what other doctors have found to be effective, and your healthcare provider can assist you based on that. Many people find it useful to swish the solution around in the mouth before swallowing to assist with healthy gums. Taking it in the evenings may interfere with your sleep.

Mixing the product in juice or other liquids may cause the iodine to be ineffective in the nascent state and negate the purpose for taking nascent iodine. Our iodine starts as a tincture with the iodine simply a molecule, but after going through the magnetic field for a long period of time, we feel that it is active in the nascent state which is an iodine atom. Because the thyroid must put iodide into the nascent state prior to being used, we don’t feel there would be advantage if we included an iodide in our supplement.

Our product can be used topically, on the surface of the skin, for skin abrasions.
Ingredients: Alcohol, Iodine.

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